Cosmic Comedy: From Nothing to a Bearded Gal to Everything

It always amuses me when religious folks poke fun at atheists for “believing everything came from nothing.”

It’s like they think they’ve nailed the ultimate argument.

But have you ever thought about what they’re really suggesting instead?

The Complexity Conundrum

Let’s break it down.

Mocking atheists for believing everything came from nothing implies that their alternative makes more sense.

They won’t say it (or think about it) but what they really mean is that a being magnitudes more complex than the universe just spawned into existence with superpowers. This being then created trillions of galaxies in a couple days, all to make sure you don’t wear mixed fabrics. Don’t wanna listen to her? Well, though luck. You will now face eternal suffering.

You’re just adding an extra step based on an assumption; not even conjecture at this point.

Makes total sense, right? Our universe cannot spawn into existence, but that bearded gal that no one has ever seen can?

The Eternal Assumption

And here’s the kicker: “Ah, but God is eternal. He has always existed,” they say.

Umm, “She.” Prove me wrong.

Notice the leap from assumption to assumption?

First, you’re assuming a god exists. Then, you assume she created everything. Now, you’re adding that she has always existed.

Why can’t our universe be eternal as well?

If an all-powerful being can exist without a beginning, why not the cosmos? It’s a simpler, more straightforward idea.

No, though. The idea that something can exist infinitely into the past is logically impossible, even if the concept of time means something completely different before the Big Bang. (Wink wink: This applies to your God as well).

It’s all, just very ironic, isn’t it?

The Cosmic Comedy

So, next time you feel the urge to mock someone for “believing everything came from nothing,” remember what you’re really saying.

You’re suggesting that adding an extra step where a cosmic being with a strict dress code and a penchant for eternal punishment coming into existence first makes more sense.

Pure cosmic comedy.


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