Free Speech Crusaders Take Over the Job of Language Police

I always try to use a person’s preferred gender — it costs me nothing. And honestly, sometimes you can’t even guess someone’s biological sex just by looking at them. Take a trip to Thailand and then tell me with 100% certainty who’s biologically female. If you claim you can, I won’t just call you a hypocrite; I’ll call you a liar.

I’ll admit I sometimes get tangled when using “they” as a he/she replacement. It’s already a singular pronoun in some (very different) contexts, so it feels wrong to use it as a replacement for he/she. If only the non-binary community created a fresh, shiny pronoun we could all adopt. I like language expansions to be straightforward, not more confusing. But anyway.

Now, about those rumors that Dragon Age’s director, Corinne Busche, is leaving BioWare? Good riddance. She’s been the worst thing to happen to the Dragon Age franchise in the last, well, 10 years. This many years of development to deliver such a mid experience. After seeing post-Veilguard release interviews, I realized how much of her personal worldview wormed its way into the game.

Suddenly, it all made sense.

Naturally, social media went berserk over the rumored departure, and every gaming outlet hopped on the story. My first Facebook comment on one of these was, “Good. She was the worst thing that happened to the Dragon Age series.” Immediately, a bunch of men jumped in to tell me I was using the wrong pronoun — apparently she’s a “he,” not a “she.”

Wait, aren’t they the ones who always cry about “being forced” to use pronouns they don’t want to use? Didn’t Jordan Peterson shit his pants over compelled speech? (Although, he was right at the time IMO)

Curious, I repeated the same comment on various news articles on Facebook. Same result. At least one person correcting me that it’s “he” instead of “she.” So I took my sweet time distinguishing sex and gender for them, and asked why they even care how a random stranger refers to another human — especially if that human wants to be called that way.

It’s so ironic it seemed like a low IQ joke.

Yes, the self-proclaimed free-speech crusaders absolutely lose it when other people exercise (drum roll, please) free speech. Think about it. Think really hard and try to process the statement again: The loudest defenders of freedom of expression piss their pants when others talk in a way they don’t like.

I’d continue counting all the ironies had I enough fingers.

But anyway, I guess that’s the reality we’re in. It’s a bizarre left-right mirror image where they all wish to control what you say and how you say it. At least the left is honest about it. In a way, it’s fascinating — like watching two parallel universes collide.

The real question is: Who’s going to clean up after the explosion?

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