Japan’s Pedophilic Problem Part 2 Ft. Homare Adachi

Japan. Great country but with a lot of creepy shit going on underground.

Those of you that have been following my blog for a while might remember two blog articles (Japan’s Pedophilic Problem ft. “Manami Chopa” & One of Japan’s Biggest Problems You’ve Probably Never Heard Of), where I criticized Japan’s lack of action against the sexualization of young girls who are introduced into the gravure industry from a very young age by no other than their parents.

I’ve been digging into this phenomenon for a while now. Not just because it’s absolutely disgusting—though that’s reason enough—but because, let’s face it, someone needs to blow the whistle on this cesspool. It’s like this dirty little secret that everyone’s either too scared—or too busy making a profit—to talk about.

By dragging it into the light, I’m hoping to get some international eyes on it. Maybe, just maybe, if enough people start paying attention, the Japanese government will finally feel “moved” enough to actually do something about it.

These young girls desperately need protection, and the ones responsible—whether it’s the parents, agencies, or whoever else is cashing in on their exploitation—need to be called out and held accountable. It’s way past time for some actual change.

Perhaps I’m being too optimistic.

Comes Homare Adachi, a 13 year old girl who just started middle school this year. With over 25k followers on instagram, as well as a cult of old and middle aged Japanese men on X (Twitter), she stands as one of the new emergent victims for this industry.

I first saw her picture on pinterest. It was a picture of her full body, her back to the camera. Just a regular picture. Except she was wearing a pair of shorts that made it feel like going to the beach was like attending Sunday mass.

There was no name so I googled the picture.

The results took me to, you guessed it, X. Who were the ones sharing these pictures? You guessed it again, old and middle aged Japanese men. Perhaps it’s high time you did something about this, Musk, since you’re supporting pro-life fundies and all. These are actual children in your platform. It’s funny because I realized that if you want to investigate these incidents and get content, you have to go to Japanese Twitter, where sick pedos seem to be one in a dozen. Either that or pinterest.

I have yet to see something like this on Facebook. Mark 1 & Elon 0.

(P.S. I purposely made the pictures small so that you perverts won’t get off of her. However, just know that half of her butt is visible through the holes in her shorts.)

Anyways, this seems to be her first photoshoot like this (And hopefully her last). I haven’t seen her do live performances in underground, yakuza-run stages like Manami Chopa, so I guess there’s still some hope.

If you are thinking of supporting her by purchasing her content, please, just… like, don’t?

And for the love of whatever shred of decency is left, share this. The more eyes on what’s being done to these girls, the better chance we have of getting the international community to put the squeeze on the Japanese government. If you’re Japanese, maybe give your government officials a wake-up call—let them know this isn’t just a minor issue they can sweep under the rug. The entire world (except, apparently, for some Indian men) finds this disturbing and deeply concerning. It’s about time Japan joined the rest of us in realizing that.

It has to stop.


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