Why Gen Z Is Moving to the Right and How We Pushed Them

Hi, I’m Harry and I lean liberal socially and I’m right in the center when it comes to economics. Just thought I’d put that out there inbefore the identity politics police comes.

Let’s talk about something that’s been making the rounds lately — Gen Z shifting to the right.

Surprised? Yeah, not me.

But, as usual, there’s a lot more to the story than meets the eye. Let’s dig into why this is happening and, spoiler alert, millennials — we’re kinda, sorta, mostly to blame.

Let’s kick it off with the obvious: Economic frustration. Gen Z has come of age in a time of financial messiness. Think student debt, inflation, job security, and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. They’ve watched economic stability go up in flames and are now leaning towards right-leaning, pro-market policies that promise more economic freedom.

Can you really blame them? Nope.

A right-wing stance on the economy makes sense when you’re out here just trying to get a financial foothold and not drown in debt.

But here’s where it gets interesting: Our role in pushing Gen Z away.

Remember the 2010s, when social media turned into a minefield of opinions? If you didn’t fall in line with the liberal mainstream, you were basically bullied into silence. And guess who spearheaded that? Yep, us millennials.

We shamed people for not being progressive enough, or for having different views altogether. So now, Gen Z is out here saying, “You know what? Fugg that.”

They want space to express their opinions without the finger-wagging from us, and that’s driving them further to the right. And it’s not just us millennials — people like Jordan Peterson helped push that along, too. The guy was basically a center-left boomer who was pushed into extreme right-wing views, particularly because of the narcissistic and finger-wagging behavior of young progressives.

Another big reason for this shift? The media’s blatant manipulation.

I know, every generation has issues with the media. But Gen Z, being digital natives, can smell bias a mile away. They’ve grown up seeing slanted coverage — on both sides — so instead of aligning with left-leaning narratives pushed by mainstream outlets, they’re rejecting it altogether.

To them, it’s not just annoying. It’s dishonest. And who the hell wants to stand with a side that’s always seen as manipulative?

Not Gen Z, apparently.

Identity politics fatigue is another reason.

Gen Z has witnessed endless infighting within the left-wing circles. Who’s more woke? Who’s more inclusive? Who’s the most socially aware? At some point, it’s like watching people dig micro-trenches around every issue. Again, exhausting, right?

For a lot of Gen Z, the left has gotten so tangled up in these identity politics, that they’ve forgotten about the important stuff — y’know, like fixing the economy or actually addressing climate change. So, naturally, they’re distancing themselves from the chaos.

And let’s not forget: Cancel culture.

“Lol, cancel culture doesn’t exist,” yada yada. Let’s stop pretending it doesn't. Again, honesty, right? 

This beast really got its legs thanks to us. We loved calling people out online, essentially weaponizing social media to shame anyone who didn’t toe the line. Gen Z’s been watching this circus play out since middle school, and the fear of being “canceled” for the smallest misstep has pushed them towards a side that claims to support free speech.

Even if it means embracing some pretty out-there ideas, like Jordan Peterson’s deep dive into the rabbit hole of reactionary thought.

Now, before we wrap this up, let me clarify something:

It’s totally fine to be on the right if that’s what floats your boat; particularly right-wing on economic issues (and social issues too, if you’ve got like, 2 brain cells).

Want market freedom? Cool. Less government? Cool, cool.

But let’s not kid ourselves. The right tends to slip into some seriously authoritarian, bigoted territory when it comes to social and moral issues. Historically, the religious right has been lightning quick to clamp down on immigration, LGBTQ+, women, race, education, and science.

So, what do we do?

Well, here’s some stellar advice: Maybe we just double down on shaming people for having different opinions? Better yet, let’s keep cramming biased media down their throats until they’re fully radicalized. That’ll definitely do the trick.

Or — crazy idea — we could take a couple of minutes to self-reflect. Maybe, just maybe, if we hadn’t turned every discussion into a moral superiority contest, Gen Z wouldn’t be sprinting away from progressive ideals. Wild thought, I know.

Unfortunately, the left (like the right) can’t seem to recognize their own blind spots. Every time I suggest the above to someone on the left, the response is usually something like, “You’re just a right-wing shill.”

Ad hominem? Shocking, right?

At the end of the day, this shift to the right is partially our fault.

And yeah, that stings. But hey, live and learn.

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