Free Speech Crusaders Take Over the Job of Language Police
Isn’t it ironic when so-called “free speech crusaders” flip out over someone using the “wrong” pronoun? They insist on their right to say whatever they want—until you say something that ruffles their feathers. Whether it’s a BioWare director’s pronouns or the broader debate on what’s “off-limits” in language, both sides seem eager to police how others speak. We’ve come full circle, watching them demand we follow their script while touting free expression.

The “Cultural Appropriation” Crusades
Tired of hearing “cultural appropriation” used as a catch-all accusation whenever traditions cross boundaries? Cultures have always borrowed, blended, and remixed ideas—food, fashion, art—to create something new. While respect is crucial, labeling every cultural exchange as appropriation ignores that human creativity thrives on shared influences. Real culture is fluid and messy, shaping societies through ongoing fusion, not static purity.

Incels Online: Why Toxic Attitudes Keep Them Lonely
Incels often blame everyone else—especially women—for their loneliness, ignoring the toxic attitudes driving people away. From entitlement and bitterness to outright harassment, these behaviors are more likely to repel potential partners than spark a connection. It’s not a lack of sexual opportunity; it’s a refusal to grow beyond a self-imposed victim mentality.

The Small Minority That Makes Japan’s Social Media a Mess
Living in Japan is incredible, but engaging with Japanese social media reveals a darker side. A vocal minority’s xenophobia and stubbornness often overshadow the kindness most Japanese people show in everyday life.

Why Are There So Many Racist and Xenophobic Japanese Online?
Living in Japan, I’ve found it to be a welcoming place overall, but the online world paints a different picture. Despite my positive personal experiences, the internet reveals a prevalence of racist and xenophobic attitudes among Japanese commenters. This disparity raises questions about cultural norms, online anonymity, and a lack of awareness about legal rights and social issues in Japan.