Why You Should Never Use It as Your Email Provider

The world of email providers is vast, with many different options to choose from. However, not all email providers are created equal, and it's important to do your research before choosing one. In this blog post, we'll discuss why you should never use to create an email.

To begin with, is a free email service that offers a variety of different email domains to choose from. While this may sound appealing, the reality is that has a number of serious flaws that make it a poor choice for anyone looking to create a reliable email account.

For one, the service has a reputation for being unreliable and prone to blocking emails without any explanation. In my personal experience, I created an email address with only to have it instantly blocked without any reason given. This is not only frustrating but can also have serious consequences, as in my case where I had linked a $500 software license that I can now never recover because they blocked access to the email.

Upon contacting customer support to find out why my account had been blocked, I was met with resistance and unhelpful responses. Not only did customer support stand by the system's decision, but they also didn't even provide any information as to why it happened.

This lack of transparency and accountability is unacceptable and highlights a serious flaw in's customer service. If they can't provide a reasonable explanation for why an account was blocked, how can users trust them to handle their emails and personal information in a secure and responsible manner?

Given these issues, it's clear that is not a reliable choice for creating an email account. If you value your privacy and security, it's important to choose an email provider that is trustworthy, reliable, and transparent about how they handle your personal information.

I strongly advise against using as your email provider. This kind of experience is simply not worth the risk. Instead, consider reputable providers like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo. They have a track record of providing reliable service and have taken measures to prevent issues like this from happening.

It's important to choose a trustworthy email provider that you can rely on for both personal and professional communication. Don't make the mistake of choosing and risking your important emails and information.


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