How I Used AI to Write Two Novels: The Surprising Results of Using ChatGPT for Creative Writing

As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly prominent role in various aspects of our lives. One area where AI is making waves is in the field of writing. With the rise of tools like ChatGPT, writers can now use AI to generate ideas, craft sentences, and even write entire novels. In this article, we'll explore how ChatGPT can be used to write short novels, and we'll take a look at two novels that I wrote with the help of this AI writing tool.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on a deep neural network architecture that has been trained on a vast amount of text data. The model is capable of generating human-like text and can be used for various language-related tasks, including text completion, text classification, and text generation.

Click here to check out the two short novels I wrote with ChatGPT.

How to use ChatGPT for writing

Using ChatGPT to write is relatively straightforward. All you need to do is provide the AI with a writing prompt and let it generate text for you. Here's how I used ChatGPT to write two novels.

Choose a writing style and tense

The first step in using ChatGPT to write a novel is to choose a writing style and tense. You can select from different options such as first-person, third-person, present tense, or past tense. Once you have decided on the writing style and tense, you can provide ChatGPT with a prompt.

Give ChatGPT some ideas

Next, I gave ChatGPT some ideas about what I wanted to include in my novels. For example, in my first novel, I gave ChatGPT the prompt and told it to remember it for further references: "Let’s write a short novel about a girl who saves a boy in her dreams." I also provided ChatGPT with some ideas about the characters, the setting, and the plot.

Ask ChatGPT to expand and create dialogues

Once I had given ChatGPT some ideas, I asked it to expand on the prompt and create some dialogues. ChatGPT generated paragraphs of text that included descriptions of the characters, their motivations, and the events that unfolded in the story. It also created dialogues that helped to move the story forward. In here, I would list every single idea separately and once satisfied with the paragraph, I would copy it.

Manual Editing

After ChatGPT generated the text, I did some manual editing to refine the story, fix any grammatical errors, and make sure that the dialogues were consistent with the characters' personalities. This step is essential to ensure that the story flows smoothly and is engaging to read.

Publish the novel

Once I was satisfied with the novel's content, I published it on my website. However, you can also publish it on places like Amazon Kindle, which offers a free service for self-published books. There is also Kobo and Barnes & Noble. I marketed the novels through social media, book review sites, and other online channels.

The benefits of using ChatGPT for writing

There are several benefits to using ChatGPT for writing. First, it can save you time and effort by generating ideas and text quickly. Second, it can help you overcome writer's block by providing you with new and fresh perspectives on your writing. Third, it can help you improve your writing skills by providing feedback on your writing style, grammar, and punctuation.

My experience with ChatGPT

I have used ChatGPT to write two short novels, and I found the experience to be both challenging and rewarding. The novels I wrote were "Hannyah: The Boy in Her Dreams" and "Zedriks: Echoes of Reality"

In "Hannyah: The Boy in Her Dreams," the protagonist is a normal girl living a normal high-school life, but she soon finds out that reality is not what it seems like. In “Zedriks: Echoes of Reality,“ the protagonist is a university student who has to try to find a way to see his dying relative one last time.

Hannyah: The Boy in Her Dreams

Zedriks: Echoes of Reality


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