Python (Beginner) - Lesson 7: Working with Libraries and Modules

Welcome to Lesson 7! In this lesson, we will explore one of Python’s most powerful features: libraries and modules. By using these, you can access a wealth of pre-written code that extends Python’s functionality and makes complex tasks easier to implement. Today, we’ll focus on understanding what modules and libraries are, how to import them, and how to use some of the built-in modules—specifically, the math and random modules. All our work will be done in Visual Studio Code, leveraging its integrated terminal and debugging tools to ensure a smooth learning experience.

Definitions & Explanations

Modules and Libraries:

  • Modules:

    • A module is a file containing Python code—this can include functions, classes, and variables—that you can reuse in other Python programs.

    • Modules allow you to break your code into manageable, logical pieces. Instead of writing everything from scratch, you can import and use functions from modules.

    • You can create your own modules or import modules that are built into Python or installed from external sources.

  • Libraries:

    • A library is a collection of modules that provide related functionality. For example, the standard library includes modules for handling mathematics, dates, file I/O, and much more.

    • Using libraries allows you to leverage existing, well-tested code. This saves time and ensures that your programs can perform complex tasks with minimal code.

Importing Modules:

  • The import Statement:

    • To use a module in your code, you first import it with the import statement.

    • For example, import math loads the math module and gives you access to functions such as math.sqrt(), math.sin(), and more.

  • Importing Specific Functions:

    • You can also import specific functions or variables from a module using the syntax: from module import function.

    • This allows you to use the function directly without prefixing it with the module name.

  • Aliasing Modules:

    • Sometimes, you may want to use a shorter alias for a module. For example: import numpy as np.

Using Built-in Libraries:

  1. The Math Module:

    • Purpose: Provides a range of mathematical functions.

    • Common Functions:

      • math.sqrt(x): Returns the square root of x.

      • math.pow(x, y): Returns x raised to the power of y.

      • math.factorial(x): Returns the factorial of x.

      • And many more functions for trigonometry, logarithms, etc.

  2. The Random Module:

    • Purpose: Allows you to generate random numbers and perform random selections.

    • Common Functions:

      • random.randint(a, b): Returns a random integer between a and b (inclusive).

      • random.random(): Returns a random float between 0.0 and 1.0.

      • random.choice(sequence): Returns a randomly selected element from a non-empty sequence.

Using these modules can greatly simplify your code and enable you to perform complex calculations and random operations with ease.

Example Code

Below is a comprehensive example that demonstrates how to import and use the math and random modules. Follow these steps in Visual Studio Code:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.

  2. Create a new Python file (e.g.,

  3. Copy and paste the following code into your file:

import math
import random

# Using the math module to calculate the square root of a number
number = 16
sqrt_value = math.sqrt(number)
print(f"The square root of {number} is {sqrt_value}")

# Using the random module to generate a random integer between 1 and 10
random_number = random.randint(1, 10)
print("Random number between 1 and 10:", random_number)


  • The import math statement loads the math module, making its functions available in your program.

  • The import random statement loads the random module.

  • We set a variable number to 16 and then calculate its square root using math.sqrt(number). The result is stored in sqrt_value.

  • We print the result using an f-string, which embeds the variable values directly into the string.

  • Next, we generate a random integer between 1 and 10 with random.randint(1, 10) and print it.

  • This code demonstrates how to leverage built-in libraries to perform mathematical calculations and generate random numbers.

Example Code

Below is a comprehensive example that demonstrates how to import and use the PySide6 module. Follow these steps in Visual Studio Code:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.

  2. Create a new Python file (e.g.,

  3. Copy and paste the following code into your file:

from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, QLabel
import sys

# Create a PySide6 application
app = QApplication(sys.argv)

# Create a main window widget
window = QWidget()
window.setWindowTitle("PySide6 Example")

# Set up a vertical layout
layout = QVBoxLayout()

# Create a label and add it to the layout
label = QLabel("Hello, PySide6!")

# Create a button and add it to the layout
button = QPushButton("Click Me")

# Define a function to change the label text when the button is clicked
def on_button_click():
    label.setText("Button Clicked!")

# Connect the button's clicked signal to the function

# Apply the layout to the main window and display it

# Start the application's event loop


  • This code imports necessary classes from the PySide6.QtWidgets module to create a basic GUI.

  • A QApplication object is created to manage the application’s control flow.

  • A main window (QWidget) is set up with a vertical layout (QVBoxLayout).

  • A QLabel and a QPushButton are added to the layout.

  • A function (on_button_click) is defined to update the label when the button is clicked.

  • The button's clicked signal is connected to this function.

  • Finally, the window is shown and the application's event loop is started with app.exec().


Now it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Complete the following tasks using Visual Studio Code:

  1. Random Square Root Calculator:

    • Create a new Python file (e.g.,

    • Write a program that:

      • Imports the math and random modules.

      • Generates a random integer between 1 and 100 using random.randint().

      • Calculates the square root of the generated number using math.sqrt().

      • Prints both the random number and its square root in a clear, formatted message.

    • Tip: Use f-strings to format your output neatly.

  2. Module Exploration:

    • Create a new Python file (e.g.,

    • Experiment with additional functions from the math module:

      • Calculate the power of a number using math.pow().

      • Calculate the factorial of a number using math.factorial().

    • Print the results of these operations, and add comments explaining what each function does.

    • Challenge: Try combining different functions (e.g., calculating the square root of a number raised to a power) and observe the results.

  3. Import Variations:

    • Create a new Python file (e.g.,

    • Experiment with different ways to import modules:

      • Use the standard import module syntax.

      • Use the from module import function syntax to import specific functions (e.g., from math import sqrt, pow).

    • Write code that demonstrates the use of the imported functions. Include comments to explain:

      • The differences between the two import methods.

      • How the syntax affects how you call the functions in your code.

Recall Questions

After completing the tasks, review and answer the following questions to reinforce your understanding:

  • How do you import a module in Python?

    • Describe the process and syntax involved in importing a module using the import keyword.

  • What functions from the math module did you use, and what do they do?

    • Explain the purpose of functions like math.sqrt(), and mention any additional functions you experimented with (e.g., math.pow(), math.factorial()).

  • How can you generate random numbers using Python?

    • Discuss the role of the random module, particularly the use of random.randint() and any other functions you tried.

By the end of Lesson 7, you should be comfortable using Python’s libraries and modules to perform advanced tasks such as mathematical calculations and generating random data. These tools will expand your ability to write efficient, powerful programs. Continue exploring other modules in the Python Standard Library and practice implementing them in Visual Studio Code to become a more proficient Python developer.


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