Biology 1 - Lesson 10: Photosynthesis – The Calvin Cycle and Photorespiration


Photosynthesis, broadly speaking, can be divided into two main parts: the light reactions (covered in the previous lesson) and the Calvin cycle (also called the light-independent reactions or dark reactions). While the light reactions produce ATP and NADPH, the Calvin cycle uses these energy-rich molecules to fix carbon dioxide into organic sugars. This process, however, is complicated by the phenomenon of photorespiration, especially under certain environmental conditions. In this lesson, we will delve into the steps of the Calvin cycle, the evolutionary significance of photorespiration, and how some plants have evolved C4 and CAM photosynthetic pathways to thrive in hot, arid climates.

1. The Calvin Cycle

1.1 Location and Overview

  • Chloroplast Stroma

    • The Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts, using ATP and NADPH generated by the light reactions.

    • The ultimate goal is to synthesize G3P (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate), which can be converted into glucose or other carbohydrates.

  • General Outline

    • The cycle can be divided into three main stages: carbon fixation, reduction, and regeneration.

Calvin Cycle in the Chloroplast Stroma

Overview of the Calvin Cycle

  • Inputs: CO₂, ATP, and NADPH
  • Output: G3P (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate)
  • The cycle regenerates RuBP, allowing continuous CO₂ capture.
Calvin Cycle CO₂ ATP NADPH G3P

[Detailed illustration of the Calvin cycle within the chloroplast stroma, highlighting inputs (CO₂, ATP, NADPH) and outputs (G3P)]

1.2 Carbon Fixation (Carboxylation)

  • Enzyme: RuBisCO

    • Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) is the key enzyme that attaches CO₂ to a 5-carbon sugar called ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP).

    • This reaction creates an unstable 6-carbon intermediate that immediately splits into two 3-carbon molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA).

    • Note: RuBisCO can also bind O₂ instead of CO₂, leading to photorespiration (discussed later).

1.3 Reduction

  • Formation of G3P

    • Each 3-PGA is phosphorylated by ATP and then reduced by NADPH to form glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P).

    • Energy Cost: For every CO₂ molecule fixed, one ATP and one NADPH are consumed in this stage.

  • Output

    • Out of every 6 molecules of G3P produced, only 1 is considered a net gain for carbohydrate synthesis; the others help regenerate RuBP.

1.4 Regeneration of RuBP

  • Regeneration Pathway

    • Five molecules of G3P are rearranged (using additional ATP) to regenerate three molecules of RuBP.

    • This completes the cycle, enabling the fixation of more CO₂.

  • ATP Consumption

    • Another ATP per cycle is used in this regeneration step, highlighting how the Calvin cycle depends heavily on the ATP and NADPH generated by the light reactions.

1.5 Net Reaction

  • For every 3 CO₂ molecules entering the cycle:

    • 9 ATP and 6 NADPH are consumed.

    • 1 G3P is produced (net).

  • G3P can be used to form glucose, fructose, and other carbohydrates essential for plant growth and metabolism.

2. Photorespiration

2.1 The Oxygenase Activity of RuBisCO

  • Dual Affinity

    • RuBisCO can fix CO₂ (carboxylase function) or O₂ (oxygenase function).

    • When O₂ is used as a substrate, a 2-carbon molecule called phosphoglycolate is formed instead of 3-PGA.

  • Consequences

    • Phosphoglycolate is not a useful intermediate; it must be recycled in a series of reactions that consume ATP and release CO₂.

    • This process is called photorespiration, because it uses oxygen and releases CO₂ in the presence of light.

2.2 Evolutionary Significance

  • Early Atmosphere

    • RuBisCO evolved when atmospheric O₂ levels were much lower, so its oxygenase activity posed less of a problem.

  • Modern Challenges

    • In today’s high-oxygen environment, photorespiration can reduce the efficiency of photosynthesis by up to 25%.

  • Environmental Triggers

    • Photorespiration becomes more prevalent when stomata close to conserve water, leading to reduced internal CO₂ and increased O₂ concentration in the leaf.

3. C4 and CAM Photosynthesis

3.1 C4 Pathway

  • Spatial Separation

    • C4 plants (e.g., maize, sugarcane) initially fix CO₂ into a 4-carbon compound (oxaloacetate) in mesophyll cells.

    • The 4-carbon compound is then transported to bundle-sheath cells, where CO₂ is released and enters the Calvin cycle.

  • Advantages

    • High CO₂ Concentration around RuBisCO minimizes photorespiration.

    • More efficient in hot, sunny environments.

Two-Cell Anatomy of C4 Plants


  • Mesophyll Cells: Perform initial CO₂ fixation and produce a 4‑carbon compound (often as oxaloacetate, then converted to malate).
  • Bundle-Sheath Cells: Receive malate, decarboxylate it to release CO₂ for the Calvin cycle.
  • Intercellular transport of metabolites (malate and pyruvate) links these two cell types.
Mesophyll Bundle-Sheath Malate transport Pyruvate return

3.2 CAM Pathway

  • Temporal Separation

    • CAM plants (e.g., cacti, pineapples) open their stomata at night to fix CO₂ into organic acids, stored in vacuoles.

    • During the day, stomata close to conserve water, and CO₂ is released from the stored acids for use in the Calvin cycle.

  • Advantages

    • Dramatically reduces water loss, vital for arid or desert climates.

    • Still uses RuBisCO, but with minimal photorespiratory losses due to elevated internal CO₂ during the day.

3.3 Comparing Photosynthetic Strategies

  • C3 Plants

    • Most common; direct Calvin cycle.

    • Prone to photorespiration under high oxygen or low CO₂ conditions.

  • C4 Plants

    • Specialized leaf anatomy and spatial separation of initial CO₂ fixation and Calvin cycle.

    • Outperform C3 plants in high light, high temperature settings.

  • CAM Plants

    • Temporal separation of CO₂ uptake (night) and Calvin cycle (day).

    • Conserve water in hot, dry climates.

4. Real-Life Applications

4.1 Agricultural Breeding

  • Improving Crop Efficiency

    • Researchers are investigating ways to engineer C4 or CAM traits into key C3 crops (like rice) to boost yields and reduce water consumption.

4.2 Greenhouse Management

  • CO₂ Enrichment

    • Greenhouse growers sometimes increase CO₂ levels to enhance photosynthesis and plant growth, reducing photorespiration losses.

4.3 Climate Change Considerations

  • Shifting Plant Ranges

    • As global temperatures rise, C4 and CAM plants may become more dominant in certain regions, affecting ecosystem dynamics and agriculture.

  • Carbon Sequestration

    • Understanding and optimizing photosynthetic pathways could help mitigate rising CO₂ levels.

5. Exercise: Comparing Photosynthetic Rates under Different CO₂ Levels


Design a simple experimental setup to investigate how varying CO₂ concentrations affect photosynthetic rates in C3 vs. C4 plants.

Materials (Suggested)

  • Two potted plants: one known C3 plant (e.g., spinach or bean plant) and one known C4 plant (e.g., corn).

  • Sealed transparent chambers or large clear plastic bags.

  • Source of additional CO₂ (e.g., a small container with vinegar and baking soda releasing CO₂).

  • Light meter or a consistent light source.

  • Thermometer to monitor temperature.


  1. Baseline Measurement

    • Place each plant in a sealed, transparent chamber with a normal air atmosphere.

    • Use a CO₂ sensor (if available) to measure initial CO₂ levels.

  2. Vary CO₂

    • Introduce a mild CO₂ enrichment in one chamber by mixing baking soda and vinegar.

    • Monitor changes in CO₂ concentration over time.

  3. Observe Plant Responses

    • Measure photosynthetic rate indirectly (e.g., O₂ production, changes in CO₂ levels, or growth over days).

  4. Compare

    • Assess which plant shows greater increase in photosynthesis with elevated CO₂.

    • Record any differences in leaf temperature or water loss.


  • Relate results to the differences in C3 vs. C4 metabolism.

  • Discuss the potential for improved yield in high-CO₂ environments.

6. Additional Learning Components

6.1 Historical Anecdote: The Discovery of the Calvin Cycle

Melvin Calvin and his colleagues used radioactive carbon-14 to trace the path of carbon in algae. This groundbreaking approach revealed the intermediate steps of the carbon-fixing cycle, leading to Calvin’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1961.

6.2 Researcher Spotlight: Hatch and Slack

M. D. Hatch and C. R. Slack described the C4 pathway (often called the Hatch-Slack pathway) in the mid-1960s. Their work clarified how some tropical plants efficiently minimize photorespiration in high-temperature conditions.

6.3 Advanced Reading Suggestions

  1. “Molecular Biology of the Cell” (Alberts et al.) – Detailed coverage on chloroplast biology and photosynthetic regulation.

  2. “Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry” – For in-depth biochemical details on RuBisCO kinetics and the energetics of photosynthesis.

  3. Recent Journal Articles in Plant Physiology or Photosynthesis Research focusing on the genetic engineering of photosynthetic pathways.

6.4 Notable Breakthrough: Engineering C4 Traits into Rice

Current research consortia aim to introduce the C4 photosynthetic mechanism into rice plants (a global staple food) to improve water and nitrogen use efficiency, potentially addressing future food security challenges.

6.5 Interactive Concept

Online simulations allow students to manipulate light intensity, CO₂ concentration, and temperature to see how photosynthetic rates change in C3 vs. C4 vs. CAM pathways in real time.

7. Recall Questions

  1. Calvin Cycle: Name the three main phases of the Calvin cycle. For each phase, identify the key substrate(s) and the immediate product(s).

  2. RuBisCO: Why is RuBisCO’s dual ability (carboxylase/oxygenase) both essential and problematic for plants?

  3. Photorespiration: Under what conditions does photorespiration become a significant issue, and why does it reduce photosynthetic efficiency?

  4. C4 vs. CAM: Compare and contrast how C4 and CAM plants minimize photorespiration. In what types of environments do they typically thrive?

  5. Practical Insight: How might scientists use knowledge of photorespiration and alternative carbon fixation strategies to improve crop production or address climate change concerns?

Use these questions to gauge your mastery of the Calvin cycle, photorespiration, and how plant adaptations like C4 and CAM photosynthesis influence productivity under different environmental conditions.


Biology 1 – Lesson 9: Photosynthesis – Light Reactions


Biology 1 - Lesson 11: Cell Communication and Signaling