The Witcher 4: Half of CDPR Working on “Project Polaris”

Ramping Up for The Witcher 4: Project Polaris

NOV 28, 2023: CD Projekt Red is channeling significant resources into the development of The Witcher 4, codenamed Project Polaris. Following the release of the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, Phantom Liberty, the company's latest financial report revealed a substantial shift in focus towards the next chapter in the Witcher series. As of October 31, 2023, nearly half of CD Projekt Red’s development staff, amounting to almost 330 individuals, are dedicated to Project Polaris. The company anticipates this number to grow beyond 400 by mid-2024. Project Polaris, which is not officially titled The Witcher 4, is being developed using Unreal Engine 5, marking a significant technological leap for the studio. This project, however, is only one facet of CD Projekt Red's ambitious expansion plans.

Expanding Horizons: Parallel AAA Development

CD Projekt Red is not just expanding in terms of its project portfolio but also in scale. As the studio wraps up its work on Cyberpunk 2077, it's setting its sights on parallel AAA game development, a move unprecedented in the company's history. CFO Piotr Nielubowicz expressed ambitions to develop multiple projects simultaneously, reflecting a strategic shift in the company's operational model. This expansion includes the establishment of a Boston-based North American studio, which will play a pivotal role in developing the Cyberpunk franchise, particularly the sequel Project Orion. Despite facing layoffs and unionization efforts, CD Projekt Red is firmly focused on scaling up its development capabilities.

Diverse Portfolio: Beyond Polaris and Orion

Apart from Project Polaris and Orion, CD Projekt Red's portfolio is brimming with intriguing projects. Sirius, another Witcher game, is being developed by The Molasses Flood and will feature both single-player and multiplayer elements. Canis Majoris, yet another Witcher title, is a AAA story-driven RPG under the helm of an unknown developer with previous Witcher experience. In addition to these, CD Projekt Red is venturing into uncharted territory with its first original IP, codenamed Hadar, which remains in the conceptual stage. This diversification showcases CD Projekt Red's ambition to broaden its repertoire beyond its current popular franchises.

Project Polaris: A New Witcher Saga

Project Polaris, the centerpiece of CD Projekt Red's current development efforts, represents more than just another game; it marks the beginning of a new Witcher saga. Despite being years away from release, with projections pointing to 2025 at the earliest, the project has generated immense interest. Polaris will be powered by Unreal Engine 5, necessitating the creation of new technology and game foundations from scratch. This developmental shift is a significant undertaking for CD Projekt Red, as they aim to set a new benchmark in the RPG genre with Project Polaris.

CD Projekt Red's Developmental Shift and Future Outlook

CD Projekt Red's developmental landscape is undergoing a significant transformation. The company is actively transitioning its workforce from Cyberpunk 2077 to new ventures, with a third of its employees still supporting the game as of late 2023. The Witcher 4 is set to be the first title to emerge from this new wave of development, with an anticipated release as early as late 2025. This new phase in CD Projekt Red's history is not just about individual projects but a comprehensive strategy shift towards parallel AAA development and diversification across multiple genres and narratives. As the studio embarks on this ambitious journey, it stands at the cusp of defining a new era in gaming, blending technological innovation with rich storytelling.


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