Torrent Search Engine

Our torrent search engine is a powerful tool that compiles results from major torrent sites, offering you a comprehensive and easy way to find and access a wide variety of content in one place.

Protect Your Privacy

  • Proxy Servers

    Proxy servers act as intermediaries between your device and the internet, masking your IP address. This layer of anonymity enhances privacy by hiding your online activities from snoopers, making it harder for advertisers and websites to track you.

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)

    VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) encrypt your internet connection, securing your data from hackers and eavesdroppers. By routing your traffic through secure servers, VPNs protect your privacy online, allowing for safe browsing, even on unsecured Wi-Fi networks.


This webpage and its torrent search engine are designed for legally discovering and sharing content. Users are urged not to download, share, or distribute any illegal or copyrighted materials without authorization. Users must ensure their actions adhere to applicable copyright laws.

Jivaro, the website's operator, disclaims responsibility for content accessed via our search engine. We don't host or share copyrighted materials; our tool indexes torrents from the internet, functioning like a search engine for web pages.

Users of our engine agree to indemnify Jivaro against any claims or legal actions stemming from their downloads. It's users' responsibility to check the legality of content and obtain necessary permissions.

We advocate for the respect of copyright laws and the legitimate use of our service. If unsure about the legality of content, seek legal advice. Jivaro promotes the responsible use of the internet and expects users to do the same.