
The Boy in Her Dreams

(Book One)

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Chapter 1: Morning Routine

Hannyah's day commences in the quiet hours of the morning, at 6:48 am to be precise, just moments before her alarm is set to break the silence. She awakens, eyes opening to the soft light filtering through her window, feeling the deep, refreshing pull of a night well spent in slumber. With a stretch that bridges the gap between rest and wakefulness, she savors the last moments of peace before rising. The apartment around her is still, a silent partner in the start of her day. Moving softly to the kitchen, the ritual of her morning coffee awaits.

The act of brewing coffee fills the small space with a comforting aroma, one that speaks of routines and simple pleasures. Hannyah treats herself to this daily luxury, adding just the right amount of milk and sugar to her liking. The bitterness of the coffee, so often unappreciated by her peers, is a taste she has come to cherish. Thoughts of home flicker in her mind, a reminder to bring back coffee beans from Puerto Rico on her next visit.

Dressed and ready for the day, Hannyah selects her outfit with a sense of purpose, opting for a white blouse and a pleated skirt, her hair falling softly around her shoulders. A quick glance in the mirror confirms her readiness, and with backpack in hand, she steps out into the day.

The journey to school is a short one, a 15-minute bus ride through the city of Mishima. She watches the world go by, the city alive with the vibrant hues of nature in full bloom. It is a sight that never fails to capture her wonder.

Upon arriving at school, Hannyah is greeted by the familiar faces of her friends, Misa and Peter. Misa, with her gentle demeanor and a shared history of new beginnings, and Peter, who carries with him the tales of England and Puerto Rico, are her anchors in this new place.

"Good morning, Hannyah," greets Misa, her voice a melody in the morning air.

"Hey," Hannyah replies, a smile playing on her lips.

"Another day, huh? I swear, Japanese will be the death of me," Peter grumbles, his accent a curious mix of his travels.

"You'll get there. We all start somewhere, right?" Hannyah encourages, her own memories of learning and adapting echoing in her words.

"Anyone knows the lunch menu today?" Misa asks, ever curious about the day's offerings.

"As long as it's not natto. That smell is a no-go for me. That’s why I often bring my own bento," Hannyah makes a sick face as if she was about to throw up, her expression playful.

"It's salmon and rice with umeboshi in a bento," Misa announces, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Hannyah's interest is immediately piqued, her appetite awakened by the thought of such a meal. "That sounds amazing. If only we could know what the menu is the day before, I wouldn’t have brought my own food," she says, already looking forward to lunch.

Their conversation flows effortlessly as they make their way to class, touching on weekend plans and the latest school news. The sound of the bell finds them, a reminder of the day's schedule pressing upon them.

"We should hurry," Peter notes, glancing at his phone for the time.

"See you guys later," Hannyah waves, parting ways as they enter their respective classrooms.

Settling into her seat, Hannyah finds comfort in the familiarity of her surroundings. She takes out her notebook and pen, a sense of readiness taking hold. The day stretches out before her, filled with the promise of lessons learned and moments shared, a continuation of the journey she has embarked upon in this new chapter of her life.

Chapter 2: The Weight of History

As Hannyah navigates the hallways of her school, the crisp, rejuvenating air of spring whispers through the open windows, mingling the scent of fresh blossoms with the routine bustle of students. The transformation of cherry blossoms from their ephemeral pink to a lush, verdant green mirrors her own journey of growth and change over the years. There's a tranquility in this seasonal shift that envelops her, a comforting reminder of nature's enduring cycle amidst her own transitions.

Settling into her seat for the first period, social studies, Hannyah's thoughts drift, anchored by the significance of the year—it's 2030, marking a decade since her parents' separation and her first steps on Japanese soil. Such reflections are not uncommon as she waits for the day's instruction, a momentary pause before the dive into academia.

The arrival of her teacher, known for weaving current events into the fabric of historical lessons, shifts the classroom's atmosphere. Today's discussion turns to recent natural disasters, a sobering reminder of the fragility of life and community. The mention of Fei, a young boy lost in a Tokyo earthquake, tugs at Hannyah's empathy, painting a stark picture of the tragedies that unfold beyond the school's walls. The teacher's narrative pauses, allowing the weight of the story to settle before returning to the broader lesson.

Social studies often feel like a burden to Hannyah, its focus on immutable past events casting a shadow over her interest. Her mind, already adrift with thoughts of food fueled by her skipped breakfast, now finds a momentary escape in contemplating the evening's meal. "Soba or udon," she muses, her hunger a distraction from the classroom's heavy themes.

Her reverie shifts to her brother Zedriks, now navigating his own journey in Niigata’s university life. A shared love for gastronomy binds them, despite the physical distance. “I miss Zed,” she thinks with a touch of longing, imagining the delicious escapades he must be embarking upon. The resolve to reconnect later and perhaps exchange recipes offers a sliver of joy in her introspection.

As the lecture drones on, Hannyah’s battle with the weariness of heart and mind culminates in her succumbing to sleep. Her dreams transport her to a vivid park scene in Tokyo, a stark contrast to the classroom's reality. She finds herself enveloped in the park's vibrant life, from the laughter and conversations around her to the gentle strum of a guitar nearby. The dream is a sanctuary, a momentary escape into a world of contentment and peace.

Her exploration of the park leads her to a convenience store, where the allure of traditional Japanese snacks proves irresistible. The simple pleasure of biting into a senbei, savoring its crispness and saltiness, anchors her in the dream's tactile reality.

Awakened abruptly to the confines of her classroom, Hannyah is momentarily disoriented, the remnants of her dream clashing with the reality of the ongoing lesson. The subtle aftertaste of rice crackers lingers, blurring the lines between her dreamt experience and the present. As the class nears its end, she gathers herself, the dream’s residue a bittersweet reminder of her momentary escape.

Standing up as the lesson concludes, Hannyah’s thoughts briefly linger on the unusual sensation of tasting her dream. Shaking off the lingering drowsiness, she prepares for the rest of her day, hopeful for the wakefulness to carry her through the remaining classes.

Chapter 3: Lunch Break

In the bustling ambiance of the school cafeteria, Hannyah shares a meal with her friends Misa and Peter, her bento box a modest yet comforting reminder of her independence. Their conversation ebbs and flows with tales of morning classes and newfound knowledge, a tapestry of adolescent life.

Misa's curiosity breaks through, "How's social studies treating you, Hannyah?"

Caught off guard, Hannyah's thoughts momentarily drift back to the vivid dream that had engulfed her first period. "It's manageable," she offers, sidestepping the truth of her brief escape into slumber.

Peter, between bites of his sandwich, joins in with a yawn. "Tell me about it. English is a snooze fest today. I'm fighting to keep my eyes open."

Misa, ever so empathetic, chimes in, "Seriously, I think I'm going to need an extra cup of coffee to make it through the day."

Hannyah, concealing her own morning compromise for caffeine, smiles. "Your coffee rituals are beyond me. I still wonder how you manage it day after day."

With a laugh, Misa retorts, "We're just trying to keep pace with you, Hannyah. You always seem so put together."

A touch of color finds Hannyah's cheeks at the praise. "I'm really not all that special," she demurs, her modesty veiling her pride.

As the conversation meanders towards future aspirations, Hannyah's mind wanders to her brother, Zedriks, and the crossroads she herself faces. University or travel? The path ahead remains shrouded in uncertainty.

Turning to her friends, she inquires, "What about you two? Any thoughts on life after graduation?"

Misa's response is thoughtful, "I'm torn. University is tempting, but so is the idea of a gap year to explore. It's going to come down to my savings, honestly. I've been juggling part-time work to stash away some travel funds."

Peter mirrors the sentiment, "Yeah, I'm floating in the same boat. The urge to wander is strong. Thankfully, I've got a bit more time to decide."

A sense of camaraderie softens Hannyah's worries; she's not alone in her indecision. "I hope we all find our way," she muses aloud.

As lunchtime dwindles, the trio gathers their things, ready to face the remainder of the day.

"See you around, Hannyah!" Misa and Peter's voices sync up in a fond farewell.

Watching her friends disappear into the crowd, Hannyah is enveloped in a warm sense of gratitude for their presence in her life. They are her anchors, always there to offer laughter and support. With a renewed sense of purpose, she heads back to class, her spirits buoyed by the simple joys of friendship and the unfolding promise of the day ahead.

Chapter 4: Home

Hannyah's day at school draws to a close, and unlike her usual routine, she opts to journey home on foot, embracing the tranquility that the walk offers. Along the way, the allure of a nearby convenience store beckons her inside. The promise of a warm bowl of dried udon and a soothing cup of tea is too tempting to resist, especially as she imagines the steam wafting up, filling the air with a savory scent that speaks directly to her hunger.

The trek home is leisurely, taking her about an hour. Her apartment, perched on the fifth floor of a slender building that stretches towards the sky, is modest but warmly inviting. Designed as a studio, it is the perfect size for someone like her, living alone yet surrounded by the vibrancy of city life. The rent, a manageable 35,000 yen, is a kindness her father affords her, ensuring she has a place of her own near the bustling heart of the city. Her father, a devoted academic at a university in Nagaoka, has built a new life in Japan after the divorce—a life that now includes not only Hannyah and her older brother but also her younger half-siblings, aged seven and five, all of whom fill his days with youthful exuberance.

Upon stepping into her apartment, Hannyah promptly engages in the familiar, almost meditative act of preparing her udon. The grounding simplicity of pouring hot water over the noodles serves as a ritualistic return to the present moment. In the interim, as the noodles begin their transformation, she flicks on the television for company. Yet, what greets her is not the light entertainment she seeks but the grim aftermath of last month's earthquake, a harrowing reminder of the fragility of life. The news recounts the tragedy of a subway station's collapse, a disaster that claimed eleven souls. A heavy sigh slips through Hannyah's lips.

"Why must it always be these dreary topics?" she muses aloud, her voice tinged with weariness. "A bit of good news now and then wouldn't hurt."

The udon proves to be as comforting as she'd imagined, a small but satisfying pleasure. Homework is next on her list, tackled with an efficiency born of necessity, leaving her evening free. Seeking a moment of respite, Hannyah steps out into the night air, finding solace in the city's quiet hum. Later, a long bath melts away the residual stress of the day, her muscles thanking her for the indulgence.

Nestled in bed, she reaches out to Misa and Peter through their Line group chat, curious about their evenings.

"Hey, how did the rest of your day go?" she types, initiating their nightly ritual of sharing and companionship.

Misa is quick to reply, her message infused with the simple contentment of her day. "Pretty good. Just relaxed with a book after my cafe shift."

Peter's response comes with a digital grin, a snapshot of his day. "Went for a jog and did some painting. It's nice to switch off for a while."

Their words prompt Hannyah to reflect on her own afternoon—a blend of solitude and introspection. "I took a little walk. Spent some time just being, you know?"

Misa's interest is piqued, her words carrying a hint of curiosity. "What's on your mind? Anything exciting?"

Hannyah hesitates, then shares a piece of her daydream. "Just pondering over a story idea I've got. It's about a girl who can communicate with the dead."

Peter, ever the enthusiast, is intrigued. "Sounds cool! What's the story about?"

Hannyah delves into her idea, describing the spectral journey and the girl's mission to guide spirits to peace. The concept resonates with her friends, their encouragement a warm embrace across the digital void.

"That's awesome, Hannyah. I'd love to see where you take that story," Misa enthuses, her support palpable.

Peter, inspired, makes an offer. "How about I try painting something inspired by your story? Could be fun."

The idea thrills Hannyah. "That would be incredible! Can't wait to see what you come up with."

Their conversation meanders on, a comforting end to the day. As sleep beckons, Hannyah finds herself drifting off with a smile, the day's worries a distant memory. In her dreams, she returns to the vibrant scenes of her story, the taste of rice crackers strangely vivid, as cherry blossoms dance in the soft breeze—a perfect end to an ordinary day.

Chapter 5: The Night of Tokyo’s Awakening

As Hannyah meanders through her dream, the park around her bursts into life with colors more vivid than any painter's palette. The grass underfoot feels real enough to touch, a verdant carpet welcoming her every step, while the sun beams down, bathing her in warmth. It's during this stroll that she encounters a group of young girls, their school uniforms neat and smiles wide.

"Hey there!" one greets, her voice bubbling with youthful enthusiasm. "What's your name?"

"I'm Hannyah," she responds, her smile mirroring their own. "What brings you all out here?"

"We're playing tag!" another girl chimes in. "Wanna join us?"

Hannyah, momentarily caught in hesitation, soon finds herself nodding, swept up in their infectious energy.

A man approaches them, his stature modest and frame slight, the years seemingly etching themselves into his features, suggesting he's in his fifties.

"Sorry about my daughters. They kind of pull everyone into their games," he confesses, a hint of sheepishness coloring his tone. "I’m Ken by the way," the man adds as he removes his glasses to wipe the sweat from his brows.

Hannyah, though wearied by the encounter, offers a reassuring smile. "Oh, it's okay. I actually had fun playing with them. I’m Hannyah. I’m just taking a break from studying," she replies, her fatigue evident yet her spirit uplifted.

"That's really nice of you," the man responds with a smile. "Alright girls, time to head home!" he calls out to them.

"Coming, Papa!" the girls chime together, their voices harmonizing in a cheerful farewell. "Thank you for the game, kind lady!"

The remainder of her dream is filled with the joy of the chase, laughter ringing in her ears as she plays with abandon, rediscovering the carefree bliss of youth. As evening shadows her dream, Hannyah imagines herself wandering the vibrant streets of Tokyo, the city's energy as palpable as the heartbeat of the world itself. It feels like she has known these streets all her life, each corner a familiar friend. Driven by curiosity and the tales shared by her schoolmates, she finds herself drawn to Odaiba, eager to witness the marvels of Driver City.

The sight of a gargantuan robot statue, its limbs poised as though caught in motion, leaves her in awe. She watches, transfixed, as it seems to come alive, a testament to human ingenuity. Around her, couples meander along Odaiba's beach, their simple presence a stark reminder of her solitude amidst the crowd.

With her spirit filled but a tinge of loneliness in her heart, Hannyah boards the subway home, the cityscape blurring past her. Across the aisle, a boy about her age catches her eye, a silent companion in the journey's fleeting connection.

After disembarking, the lure of melon bread from a station shop proves irresistible. She buys a piece and opens the bag. The first bite is a melody of sweetness, a perfect cap to her day. But then, the world tilts—a loud bang followed by a crack, then another, and then chaos. An earthquake, fierce and unforgiving, throws the station into disarray. Amidst the panic, voices rise in a cacophony of fear and confusion.

"Is this really happening? An earthquake?" The question hangs in the air, unanswered amidst the growing tumult.

"Yes, it's an earthquake! Everyone, find safety!" The command, while meant to comfort, only heightens the sense of urgency.

Hannyah, propelled by instinct, finds refuge by a sturdy pillar, the world around her a blur of motion and noise. As she huddles there, her mind races with thoughts of her loved ones, her heart a beacon of hope amidst the tempest.

When the quaking ceases, Hannyah emerges from her shelter to a scene of devastation. The once orderly subway station is now a testament to nature's might, its aftermath a landscape of ruin and loss. Overwhelmed by the destruction, her heart aches for the city and its people, her resolve to help kindling within her.

Determined to escape the underground chaos, she navigates through aftershocks and debris, each step a testament to her will to survive. The journey to the surface is fraught with obstacles, but the sight of the evening sky, a canvas of twilight beauty, offers a brief respite from the chaos below.

The world above is no less chaotic, a tableau of human vulnerability in the face of disaster. Amidst the despair, Hannyah finds solace in the company of strangers, their shared ordeal a bond stronger than any before.

As they huddle together, a faint plea for help catches Hannyah's ear, a whisper amidst the din. With the source

uncertain, she wonders if her mind is playing tricks, yet the plea persists, drawing her gaze back to the station's maw. Nobody else seems bothered by it, however.

"Am I alone in hearing this?" she ponders, her resolve firming. The voice, real or not, pulls her towards the unknown, a call to action that she cannot ignore.

With a deep breath, Hannyah steels herself for what lies ahead, the promise of aid her guiding light. The journey back into the now dark subway is a leap of faith, one she takes without hesitation, driven by the hope of making a difference, no matter how small.

As the narrative of her dream unfolds, Hannyah realizes the profound strength within her, a resilience borne of compassion and the unyielding desire to help. In the midst of disaster, she finds her purpose, a beacon of hope not just for herself, but for all those caught in the storm's aftermath.

Chapter 6: Trapped!

Hannyah, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, darts into the subway's gaping maw, her actions powered by a newfound vigor. She vaults over the ticket barrier, landing in an expansive area where shadows deepen the further she looks. Her feet carry her swiftly towards the escalator. However, in her haste, her balance falters, and she finds herself hurtling through the air, a brief flight marked by urgency and determination.

Hannyah finds herself sprawled on the cold, unforgiving ground, her mind clouded by a cacophony of sensations — pain throbs through her head, her limbs are heavy and uncooperative. Disoriented, she grapples with her memories, piecing together the catastrophic events: the earthquake's sudden fury, the chaos of the subway, and the escalator, desperate calls for help that pierce the tumult.

With considerable effort, she pushes herself into a seated position, despite the protest of pain that surges through her. She surveys the wreckage of the subway station through squinted eyes, the devastation lying before her painting a grim portrait of the earthquake's wrath. Cracked walls, a partially collapsed ceiling, and an expanse of debris transform the once familiar setting into a scene of desolation.

Yet, amidst the ruin, the voice that has beckoned her persists, a beacon amidst the shadows. Compelled by an invisible force, Hannyah staggers to her feet, her surroundings spinning as she takes a tentative step forward. It seems she is the only one attuned to the voice's plea.

Driven by a resolve she doesn't fully understand, Hannyah navigates the station's wreckage. What once were bustling corridors and vibrant stalls now resemble a battlefield's aftermath, a testament to nature's indifferent might. The voice, more a whisper of thought than sound, guides her, its presence more pronounced with each step she takes.

Through twisted metal and fallen masonry, she advances, guided by an inexplicable intuition that prickles her skin, urging her onward. The labyrinth of destruction tests her resolve, but the voice grows insistent, an urgent scream in the silence of her mind.

Her journey culminates on a desolate platform, the source of the call seemingly elusive. Doubt creeps in, the danger of her solitary quest back through the debris weighing heavily on her spirit. Just as she considers retreat, the voice surges, a silent scream that draws her gaze to the tracks.

There, amidst the chaos, lies a young man, his consciousness teetering on the brink, trapped under the crushing weight of concrete. The plea for help, though his lips remain still, resonates within her, compelling her into action.

With care born of desperation, Hannyah frees him from his prison, his cry of pain a stark reminder of their grim reality. "Thank you," he breathes softly, a momentary relief in his eyes amidst the pain.

Yet, their predicament looms large — the station, a treacherous maze with the threat of aftershocks ever-present. Panic flutters in Hannyah's heart as she scans their surroundings for an escape.

Hannyah stands there, contemplating whether and how she can assist the injured young man. Making her way here has already pushed her to her limits; the idea of carrying him to the exit seems nearly insurmountable. However, the sound of someone’s voice pierces through her uncertainty, the figure a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. It is Ken, the father of the two girls Hannyah had played with earlier. He has observed Hannyah entering the subway and has chosen to follow.

Faced with the stark choice between self-preservation and helping others, Hannyah's resolve briefly falters, only to be reinforced by her compassion. "There's an injured young man over there!" she informs Ken from across the platform. "Come on," she urges the young man, her voice imbued with a determined resolve.

Supported by one another, they make their precarious way towards the light, guided by the man’s steady presence from the shadowed peril into the sun's welcoming glow. The world outside, drenched in sunlight, seems an odd, unfamiliar place compared to the gloom they have just escaped. Approaching the threshold of safety, a cruel twist of fate delivers its harsh decree.

The earth beneath them trembles anew, the structure gives way, entombing Ken beneath its rubble, his final chapter inscribed by the shimmer of a wedding band amidst the ruin. Hannyah, a silent observer to this heartrending finale, is swamped by an onslaught of emotions, the sweetness of their liberation soured by the bitter aftertaste of sacrifice.

"This can’t be…" she murmurs, her voice a faint echo of disbelief. The burden of their continued existence, now shadowed by the cost of such sacrifice, weighs heavily on her. She had wished to bring Ken to safety as well, yet the harsh reality is unyielding. She lacks the strength to save both, and the looming threat of further collapse presses upon them with urgency. They press forward toward the daylight, the station’s structure succumbing to destruction just as they emerge into the open air.

Amid the chaos that follows, amidst those who have survived, Hannyah carries with her the indelible mark of Ken’s valor and the mysterious voice that has shepherded her through the abyss. It is a solemn tribute to the delicate balance that life teeters upon, interwoven with fate’s unpredictable weave. As the two young survivors step towards the daylight, their cheeks glisten with the trails of their tears, each drop a testament to the ordeal they have endured and the profound loss they have witnessed.

Chapter 7: Redemption

As Hannyah and the young man are gently placed in the back of an ambulance, bound for the nearest hospital, their injuries seem far from dire. Yet the atmosphere is thick with the weight of the day's events.

"Are you holding up okay?" Hannyah inquires, her concern palpable in the dim light of the ambulance.

The boy offers a feeble nod, and Hannyah's heart lightens momentarily. However, the relief is short-lived as she catches a glimpse of his eyes shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence, signaling the boundary between reality and the dreamscape.

"This... this isn't real, is it?" her voice wavers, a tinge of realization seeping in.

The boy remains silent for a moment, as long as a stoplight's pause. "No, it's not real in a sense," he confirms with a melancholy smile, "But your actions were noble, Hannyah. You were my savior in this world."

A tumult of feelings besieges Hannyah. "I couldn't possibly do anything else. Leaving you wasn't an option."

His smile vanishes, replaced by a somber expression. "However, you must understand, the act of saving one life often comes at a high cost. A life for a life. Certain deeds are irreversible."

Her confusion mounts. "What are you trying to say?"

He hesitates, the weight of his next words heavy on his heart. "Your bravery carries a significant toll, Hannyah. A toll that was paid by Ken to ensure my safety."

A solitary tear traces Hannyah's cheek. "But I'm just an ordinary girl. My life is filled with mundane routines – school, friends, family."

The boy clasps her hand gently. "With time, you'll come to realize the immense potential you hold to weave change into the very fabric of existence. And I'll be there, guiding you through each step."

Puzzlement etches across Hannyah's face. "And you are...?"

His smile returns, a beacon of warmth. "I am one who seeks your aid and in turn, wishes to support you. Will you accept my companionship?"

After a moment's hesitation, she nods, enveloped by a newfound sense of trust and security, the likes of which she'd never known before.

As his figure begins to fade, Hannyah feels herself being pulled back to consciousness. "Wait!" she pleads. "What's your name?"

Silence is her only reply as she awakes, breathless and alone.

Lingering in the aftermath of the dream, she struggles to grasp the vividness and the profound connection she felt with the mysterious boy. The dream, unlike any other, leaves an indelible mark on her soul, stirring emotions long buried.

Slowly sitting up, she brushes away the remnants of tears – a rarity since the day she bid farewell to her past life. The vulnerability exposed by the dream feels foreign yet cathartic.

Her gaze, however, is soon drawn to a silhouette within her apartment, transforming her sorrow into apprehension. She springs towards the figure, poised for confrontation.

But the light reveals nothing; her apartment remains as she had left it, a bastion of solitude. The unease lingers, a shadow at the edge of her mind.

With dawn breaking, the decision to face the day is made. Thoughts of sharing her nocturnal journey with her friends flicker briefly before she dismisses them, a story too intimate for the light of day.

Chapter 8: Familiarity

The next morning, Hannyah treads on a familiar path: a sequence of rituals that starts with preparing for school, followed by the comforting embrace of a coffee cup, a brief tidying of her surroundings, a moment of escape into the television, and then the journey to school by bus. Yet today, threads of her dream weave through the fabric of her routine, lingering like a melody just beyond reach.

Upon reaching the school, she finds Misa and Peter under the watchful boughs of a cherry blossom, its petals a testament to the transient beauty of spring.

"Morning, Hannyah!" Misa's greeting carries the warmth of the sun. "How's the start of your day been?"

"Typical, nothing out of the ordinary," Hannyah responds, her voice cloaked in nonchalance, the tendrils of her dream coiling unspoken between her words.

Peter chimes in with playful mockery, "Sounds like a thrill a minute."

Hannyah offers an eye roll in response. "And what thrilling adventures did you two embark upon this morning?" she counters.

"I lost myself in the world of my phone," Misa confesses, her excitement palpable. "Discovered this fantastic video by a streamer I adore!"

Peter echoes her enthusiasm, "Caught the same video myself. Never guessed Misa and I shared similar tastes in streamers. You're missing out, Hannyah!"

But Hannyah dismisses the notion with a gentle shake of her head, "Streamers aren't really my thing. I find more enjoyment in movies or anime, though I've been known to disappear into the abyss of funny cat videos online."

Their conversation meanders until it's time for Hannyah to part for her social studies class, the teacher yet to make an appearance. As she doodles absentmindedly in her notebook, the dream from the night before creeps into her consciousness, its significance gnawing at her. "What could it mean?" she ponders, lost in thought.

A fleeting unease captures her attention, drawing her eyes towards the door, where a shadow reminiscent of last night's visitor flickers and then vanishes. "Am I going crazy?" she questions under her breath, a shiver of apprehension running down her spine. The teacher's arrival snaps her back to reality.

"Good morning everyone," the teacher says while entering the room and carrying all sorts of classroom items.

A jolt of surprise tightens Hannyah's chest, her reaction inexplicable even to herself. Her heart races, a wave of unexplained sorrow washing over her. "Why am I feeling this way?" she wonders, adrift in confusion.

The teacher's voice fills the room, "Class, we have a new peer who's come all the way from Tokyo. Let's ensure he feels at home among us."

“A transfer student at this time?” Hannyah ponders.

“Come on in. Don’t be shy,” the teacher invites, prompting the new arrival to step into view.

The boy steps forward, his eyes sweeping across the classroom until they find and momentarily fix on Hannyah. To the room, it was but an instant, yet to Hannyah, those seconds stretch, filled with unspoken questions. His expression remains unaltered, devoid of any sign of recognition, just a tranquil moment preceding his introduction.

"It's an honor to meet you all. My name is Fei."

In that moment, a myriad of emotions cascades through Hannyah, the echo of her dream mingling with the reality of Fei's presence, binding her in a web of confusion.

“It’s… him.”